So far this bucket list is actually off to a pretty good start. One of my goals was to actually start a blog and here I am! Blog post numero uno! Now the real task will be keeping up with it.
One night when I was sitting at a friend's apartment, I realized something frightful. With only two more years left of college, I only had two more "traditional" summers. Sure people finished with school have summers too but to me those are different. Summers while in school mean freedom and youthfulness. With only two more summers free of a 9-5 job and slave-driver bosses, I pledge to make them count!
So without further ado, here's my Summer 2014 Bucket List:
- make a blog (CHECK!)
- go stargazing in the rural towns nearby
- sleep in a tent outside (even if it is in the backyard)
- go to at least one concert
- read at least 5 books
- win one of the weekly prizes for adult summer reading
- finish my summer classes
- re organize my room and car
- workout at least twice a week
- become a regular at a local shop or cafe
- daytrips to the zoo
- ride on the St Joseph Beach Carousel
- visit the Museum of Science and Industry
- have a staycation with friends
- make an elaborate sand castle
- redecorate my room
- crash a party
- learn how to fashionably dress myself in two outfits
- learn how to cook two meals well
- re-teach myself a song on the piano
I think this list will be a constant WIP rather than a to-do list. If you have advice on any thing I should do this summer or what books I should read, let me know!