4 Reasons Why Your Blog Needs Sponsors

4 Reasons Why Your Blog Needs Sponsors

Lately I have been working with blogging and social media from both the blogger side and the business side of view. Through this experience I have discovered valuable information for both bloggers and sponsors alike.

Today I want to share with you a few reasons why having brand sponsorships on your blog is beneficial to everyone involved. 

In this post I refer to sponsorship often. Sponsorship in these terms refers to a paid or unpaid advertisement, review, or social media exposure for a business.

1. Compensation 

Although you may have started your blog without ever thinking about getting paid to post, compensation from brands can help turn your hobby into a side job or even a full time career. Compensation can include monetary payments, free items, or discounts. By helping a brand increase their reach, you will get something for your hard work. Isn't it better to get paid for what you love to do anyways?

2. Experience

By working with big and small brands, you will receive a lot of free experience working with real businesses and learning the process that goes into their media outreach and marketing programs. This experience will help you in future sponsorship opportunities and even future careers. The companies may even give you inspiration for new marketing ventures of your own for your blog. By paying attention to what these brands are doing, you will be able to see the trial and error of new age marketing without the hassle of experimenting yourself.

3. Image

Your readers and future business partners want to know if you can be trusted and if you are respectable. When you gain business sponsorships on your blog, it shows that companies are interested in what you write, believe you have a voice, and trust that you are creating great content. These three components shine in the blogging world: interesting work, audience, and the quality of your writing. When a brand trusts you to promote their business, this only increases the respect of your overall image.

4. Business Reputation

When you break it down, blogging is a business. An entrepreneurship. In order to continue growing, it is usually necessary to branch out to other businesses and bloggers to help you get your foot in the door to new audiences. Yes, completely organic marketing without any partnerships is possible but it is also extremely difficult and time consuming. By helping brands and other bloggers, their image will help build your blog's business reputation. The more people you work with and make happy, the more people will want to work with you.

When your first sponsorship comes knocking and you are still on the fence, be sure to remember that you just aren't helping them, their name is helping you.

Look forward to my upcoming post about deciding if a specific business sponsorship is right for your blog.